Performance review phrases

List of performance appraisal phrases

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1. Attendance and punctuality performance review phrases

There are many conditions to assess a staff, two of these conditions are attendance and punctuality, and they are easy to perform but very important. However, these matters are also touchy with any staff because no one definitely wants to argue about coming workplace late or taking too much time to have lunch or break. Because of these, as a manager of a company, you must be very lucid and careful when evaluating such performance to handle these issues.

a. Positive review phrases

• Bill controls well his schedule and performs fully the tasks assigned for him whole week.
• Phil’s staffs are always on time because he is very severe in keeping time. He controls his staffs in performing duties and schedule.
• We find no complaint with Timothy’s schedule – he always attends fully and never breaks the standard attendance policy.

b. Negative review phrases

• Ryan is often late for work and ignores frequentative warnings, and he does not follow the attendance policy.
• The reason why Tim usually comes to work late during the winter months is because he does not put weather and traffic factors into his schedule.
• Kyle is a trusty staff with his schedule most of the time. Sometimes we have problem, so Kyle should not forget to enhance his punctuality.
• Paul does not respect his colleagues because he is usually late for work. This influences others who have ended their shifts.

2. Attitude performance review phrases

The most important standard in evaluating implementation is attitude, particularly as for companies which consider customer services to be the first care. A good attitude of staffs will create the perfect quality for customer services while a poor attitude will make customer feel bad and as the unavoidable result, these companies find it hard to attract customer to buy their products. The faults that may be made by sale agents can be forgiven if they treat customers with good attitude. Conversely, if you show your poor attitude with customers, they will not buy your products despite how good your products are. So that, it is necessary to base on this factor to assess a staff’s performance and give out the salary level for him/her.

a. Positive review phrases

• John always smiles when he goes to work and he does not mind showing off his positive feeling to the team.
• John has never complained about his performance or his colleagues.
• John always provides his assistance when necessary despite it is duty past the fixed hour or weekends.

b. Negative review phrases

• John usually talks badly about his other colleagues.
• John should concentrate on the positive sides of his duties and his team.
• John usually talks bad things about his boss.

3. Communications performance review

It is necessary for all positions to have efficient communication in the workplace where online, oral or written communication skills are compulsory requirements. The yearly review should mention this skill in evaluating a staff by using performance review phrases which show the positive qualifications of a staff when communicating with other members as well as customers.

a. Positive review phrases

• John has good relationship with every department in the company. He is good at communicating with others.
• John has good friendship with his colleagues because he communicates well.

• John is a friendly and open-minded staff so he creates good relationship with other team members.

b. Negative review phrases

• John feels unconfidently and communicates inefficiently when he meets people.
• Because John’s communication skill is not good so others often misunderstand his thought.
• John cannot find an efficient way to communicate with his colleagues.

4. Cooperation performance review

Cooperation is one of compulsory requirements with most jobs. It is also an indispensable factor of the organizational culture.
Cooperation can appear with various ways. Maybe it is just simple action when you exchange information with colleagues at work or assist them in performing their duties. Cooperation is a necessary factor which brings effectiveness in performance. So that, the important duty of the employer is to employ staffs who have ability to cooperate well with other members.

a. Positive review phrases

• Lenny says that projects are the achievement of whole team – he does not mind giving a hand when necessary.
• George builds the solidarity in his employee members to enhance a team spirit.
• William is the best staff because he can efficiently cooperate with other teams and divisions.
• Julie always tries her best to finish the performance – even these duties do not belong to her own.
• Isabella connects individuals together in order to complete deadlines and perform duties efficiently.

b. Negative review phrases

• Jenna shows her distance which makes her colleagues hesitate to ask for assistance.
• Tim needs to know he should give his hand to others and use it for work.
• Ken shows an attitude which is hard to cooperate with.
• Bob does not want to share his work and his team’s responsibilities with others.
• Yolanda does not want to create good relationship with other teams and is not open-minded.
• Peter’s team rarely has an effective meeting. Peter does not have good communication with his colleagues.

5. Creativity, pro-active traits and innovation performance review

Showing a contributive or initiative attitude at workplace helps to increase the working productivity of teams of employees in the whole company. Proactive ability in each staff is shown and their faith and devotion to the company will be also increased. People who want to encourage and recompense team members need to have creative management techniques.

a. Positive review phrases

• Paul usually carries out breakthrough and helpful ideas in meetings – one of people you do not think to be creative employees.
• Fred is a staff with creative advanced thinking. Concretely, he looked for a solution from different sides to resolve a happening issue.
• When we face difficulty, we are sure that we can ask Jenny for a helpful and creative solution.
• Emily has creative ability which helps her develop unique ideas. She should utilize this to promote her position in the company.
• Brenda uses her knowledge of technology and her innovation to avoid the mistakes.

b. Negative review phrases

• Kevin gets difficulty in finding breakthrough ideas and submitting unsure solutions.
• Jim is inventive but he usually acts without thinking. This will be troubles if an unchecked or unsure idea is performed as soon as it is born.
• Bob has a lot of creative ideas but he finds it difficult to bring them into performance. Bob should learn how to make creativity get along with practice.
• Terry does not want to refer to different solution or ideas except the ones that he is performing. This reduces creativity of other member of the team.

6. Critical thinking performance review

Releasing logical evaluation based on factual factors and your thinking process is the critical thinking. It seems to be like “thinking about thinking” rather than “thinking about solution”. In critical thinking, you evaluate issue with many sides, whether it is true, false or either or neither.

A person having critical thinking skill shall have ability to:

• Understand issues thoroughly and know how to settle down those issues in a proper solution.
• Understand the importance of the issue and decide which issue needs to be handled first.
• Handle the issue by gathering related information.
• Understand the root and substance of the issue or find the solution to resolve it.

a. Positive review phrases

• John uses sharp ideas and critical thinking ability to solve issues quickly.
• John finds out the most appropriate solution for an issue by considering pros and cons of it very cautiously.
• John gives a response to any issue very quickly. He always finds out solutions for problem on time.

b. Negative review phrases for critical thinking

• John never considers various circumstances when making decision.
• John rarely thinks thoroughly when he makes any decision.
• John does not have ability to release a reasonable solution to an issue. His suggestions often are not special ones.

7. Goal setting performance review

One of essential important skills is goal setting, particularly for managers. Use goal setting skill in order to calculate the volume of work that needs to be done and future orientation. It also lowers working pressure (because all work is allocated properly).

a. Positive review phrases

• John usually gives his knowledge to his staffs to help them perform their duties better.
• John takes responsibilities for his team’s working purposes and goals.
• John sets concrete and calculated tasks.

b. Negative review phrases

• John does not assign his staff efficiently so he cannot reach the goals.
• John does not achieve goals/objectives because he does not focus on his performance.
• John will shift responsibility onto others for unaccomplished deadlines and goals.
• John sometimes does not reach the set goals.

8. Initiative performance review phrases

A staff with initiative in performance is the one who understands thoroughly and is willing to perform duties without being asked. With any company, the most precious possession is the initiative labor force. Following are some qualifications of an initiative staff:

• Motivated.
• Willing to perform duties whenever needed without asking.
• Have ability to perform the right thing with the right way.
• Make questions that help the job.
• Accomplish duties and take over more responsibilities with them.
• Be active and use time resource efficiently.
• Do not let the work control over.

a. Positive review phrases

• John is always seeking ways to enhance his abilities or help himself better.
• John always takes responsibility for his field and their performance.
• John always looks for new challenges and makes the environment better.

b. Negative review phrases

• John does not use his experience and knowledge as much as he owns.
• John needs to have supervision when he is performing his assignments.
• John does not want to touch any new techniques or skills.
• John finds it difficult to perform his duties without assistance or supervision.

9. Interpersonal Skills Performance Comments

Interpersonal skill helps you exchange and cooperate well with people around and stand the high pressure of work. Most staff supposes it is the integral soft skill that any staff needs to learn. Certainly, it is a core factor to evaluate performance. This part will give employer appraisal phrases in assessing interpersonal skills.

a. Positive review phrases

• Jack brings comfort to people working with him. He makes people feel great when being in a team with him.
• Bill has ability to resolve any issue by himself and he creates good relationship with his colleagues.
• Kevin can make a positive relationship easily with others and he knows how to communicate with them.
• Peter has special ability in connecting people and he applies this ability well in playing a role as a manager.
• Holly can build a positive and professional relationship with her colleagues, direct reports, and management team.

b. Negative review phrases

• John is an enthusiastic staff, but his excessive enthusiasm makes surrounding people feel inconvenient.
• Peter creates space between him and his colleagues because of his strong manners.
• John does not catch the liking of his colleagues working with him despite of his good impression with management team.
• Tyler does not know that friendly colleagues can make positive influence on his performance and he makes surrounding people down.
• Paula feels shy when she communicates with others and she cannot build good relationship with her colleagues.

10. Job knowledge performance review

One of three key factors used to assess a staff is knowledge (Knowledge, Skill and Ability). Being a manager, in order to assess exactly this standard of a staff, the manager should know if that staff has deep knowledge or he lacks of knowledge about the job. Below are some review phrases which will help you distinguish a staff having bad or good knowledge:

a. Positive review phrases

• John is very hard-working. He does not mind studying any relating to the job and he shares anything he knows with other colleagues.
• John always updates new information and knowledge relating to specialist area he is working.
• John owns perfect knowledge and skills that are useful for the job he is working.
• John has deep knowledge of the products and particular characteristics of the products of the company.

b. Negative review phrases

• John cannot complete his job because he does not have needed knowledge about the job.
• John does not have ability to do the easiest performance so we always put him within our supervision.
• John does not satisfy our expectation because he lacks in necessary knowledge of the job.
• John does not even understand the core basic of the job and he always needs his colleagues’ help.

11. Leadership skills performance review

Leadership ability is a key qualification of a manager and it can be the main factor of certain performance review processes so Performance Review Phrases on Leadership Skill must be multiform. A person with leadership skill is not necessarily to be a manager. A staff that has this skill will be a precious factor in the company. Following are some helpful review phrases on leadership skill for your review process:

a. Positive review phrases

• Appreciate the performance of staffs and understand thoroughly their devotion.
• Praise the staffs to take responsibility for their performance.
• Base on the prior assignments to allocate staff properly.
• Be willing to provide information and knowledge for the general growth of the staffs.

b. Negative review phrases

• Defy the regulations of the company and only want to work with no one.
• Seldom take part in discussion or meetings.
• Seldom provide compliments on an excellent performance.
• Do not use his/her leadership skill to manage staffs.

12. Management style

A key factor to the proper management in a company is management style. Because of that, in order to choose a good manager, one of the essential factors to consider if this position suits him/her is his/her management style. This part following will bring several helpful suggestions to assess a management style of a manager.

a. Positive review phrases

• Peter is an excellent manager and he knows how to lead his staffs to satisfy his expectations.
• Mandy had a difficult beginning but she and her team achieved the best performance of all group in the company.
• Greg has pushed into a hard position: truly speaking, he managed a complicated team. But in a short time, he leads the team to become one of the best teams.
• Terry has got good remark from his team and his managers.
• Thomas is very expert in managing staffs and he knows how to use their strength to make performance better.
• Fred works as an advisor, friend, and boss in his team. He plays these three roles efficiently to manage his team.

b. Negative review phrases

• Kyle is a good supervisor, but he is not expert in this field. He does not have good connection with his staffs and this affects to the team’s performance.
• Bryan finds it hard when becoming a manager from a staff. He meets difficulty in distinguishing his personal relationships and working ones.
• Holly fails to manage her staff to gain effective performance.
• Jim is good at supervising, but he cannot manage his staff to gain efficient performance.
• John does not anticipate the complication when managing a high performance team and he does not know how to perform well.
• Julie was an expert staff but nothing can prove that she is excellent enough to become a manager.

13. Problem solving performance review

Problem solving is considered to be the most complex skill that every individual should have because it is a skill requiring highly mental sharpness. It requires experiences gathered in a long period and ability in using different skills in resolving a certain situation.

As well as decision making ability, Problem Solving is a basic skill of management and leadership. Decision making is considered to be the natural ability, while problem solving needs to be trained and practiced.
Following are some positive and negative performance review phrases that are helpful for you:

a. Positive review phrases

• John always understand problem thoroughly and tries to find out different solutions.
• John only makes decision after he consider it carefully.
• John provides latest information relating to job to everyone.
• John does not mind facing with complicated situations and always finds out appropriate solutions to submit to the manager.

b. Negative review phrases

• John is unable to find out a solution when facing a complicated situation.
• John cannot give the requisite information to the managers when an issue happens.
• John makes mistakes again and again. John needs to withdraw lesson from failure.

14. Professionalism performance review

Acting in a professional way in the company is the way that you show educated and respectful behavior with customers and colleagues, as well as requirements of the position are informed fully. In order to maintain good relationship with customer, professionalism and politeness are the basic requirement with any organization.

a. Positive review phrases

• Observe the company rules stringently.
• Appear with polite look.
• Satisfy the expectations of the company.
• Have ability to keep calmness under high pressure.
• Behave friendly and warmly.

b. Negative review phrases

• Be unable to calculate to develop the performance.
• Rarely be on time at work and appear untidily.
• Do not want to take responsibility and improvement.
• Be unable to distinguish between personal life and work.
• Show deceitful manner at work by providing incorrect numbers to make others confused.

15. Stress management performance review

All purposes, deadlines or pressure received from customers and employees of any organization need to be handled carefully by managing time efficiently and without any punishment, company regulation or bad manner. In fact, plan which is used to improve your team performance is making staffs stand exceeding stress is the worst (e.g. through stretch goals).

Your example of performance review phrases must show out the staff’s skill in handling stress efficiently and without surliness or crisis feeling.

• He has ability to control stress from work pressure as well as big amount of workload and he does not need extra help or additional time.
• She is even able to keep her calmness in case others feel confused.
• He uses his excellent leadership, reasonable consideration and cooperation to control difficult situations.

16. Teamwork performance review

Teamwork skill requires each member in group knows how to collaborate to gain the common goal of the team. Members can compete mutually in order to achieve the goal but not to defeat others. That is collaboration, really. The decisive role of the team leader is very important in improving teamwork skill among members to lead the whole team to achieve the purposes.

a. Positive review phrases

• Our company consists of many teams and Bill’s performing and understanding ability brings value to the organization.
• Harry creates good relationship with his colleagues, managers and staff in a professional environment.
• Tom bases on the basic to bring the success to the team.
• Ben completes his duties and he does not concern who will take the profit.
• Holly does not care for herself, she always devotes wholeheartedly to the success of the team.

b. Negative review phrases

• Peter had good teamwork skill when he was a member in the team but he has lost it when he becomes a supervisor.
• Esther only concerns about achievement of each person without considering what team will gain if they work together.
• Paul only bases on his knowledge and skills to perform without asking colleagues for help and advice.
• Andrea meets difficulty when adapting with teamwork performance because she only gets used to performing personally.
• Norman does not know how to cooperate with his colleagues in his team to achieve targets, but he still keep complaining that he does not receive any assistance from others.

17. Time management performance review

The skill at controlling your own time to make performance better related to the quantity of hours each person uses. This is proved by their presence at work and it is a reliable token of their faith and devotion to the company.

a. Positive review phrases

• Jen shows her ability in managing various tasks and accomplishing them on time.
• Greg asks his team take responsibility with their performance and goal.
• Tricia is an excellent staff. The products she made are always calculated in advance and good quality.
• Walter has ability to control his time and his staff’s time.
• Jennifer uses her time effectively to perform big and small duties which she must have them done every week.
• Tom divides his time logically to achieve his goals.
• Kyle know how to uses the equipments efficiently to manage his time.

b. Negative review phrases

• Tim was trained how to manage time efficiently but he does not know to handle with it.
• Todd is a good staff but we surely know that he can be better if he knows how to manage his schedule.
• Ryan does not complete his tasks because he manages his time ineffectively.
• Thomas usually needs too much time than it takes to complete his duties.
• Tim uses too much time to perform his tasks so we advice him to make concrete plan for every week.
• Peter spends a lot of time on unimportant duties such as email and Internet.



1. Job knowledge

2. Decision making

3. Supervision

4. Creativity

5. Quality of work

6. Communication

7. Time management

8. Training ability

9. Technical skills

10. Management style

11. Interpersonal skills

12. Dependability

13. Customer satisfaction

14. Cooperation

15. Attitude

16. Attendance

17. Initiative

18. Critical-thinking

19. Goals-setting

20. Teamwork

21. Problem solving



19. Accountability

20. Adaptability

21. Appearance/Hygiene

22. Collaboration

23. Commitment

24. Core competencies

25. Customer focus

26. Customer service

27. Decision making

28. Flexibility

29. HR

30. Ideals

31. Improvement

32. Innovation

33. Integrity

34. Job Knowledge

35. Job performance

36. Judgment

37. Leadership

38. Listening Skills

39. Management Skills

40. Mentoring

41. Planning skills

42. Productivity

43. Relationship Building

44. Reliability (attendance and tardiness)

45. Strengths and weaknesses

46. Stress management